Alban Eiler (Spring Equinox) Quarter Calls


This assumes a group setting. Please feel free to adapt for solitary use.

LEADER 1:    At this time of balance, at this time of awakening,we celebrate Ostara, the Spring Equinox.

LEADER 2:    We Honor the Fertile Earth. We Honor the Warming Breezes.

LEADER 1:    We Honor the Waxing Light. We Honor the Nurturing Rains.

LEADER 2:    Welcome Spring, New Life to Bring, to Land, to Us, to All.

LEADER 1:    Welcome Spring, Rebirth we Sing, Within and ‘Round Us All.

The following can be sung to the tune of the old Appalachian carol, “The Friendly Beasts” [ORIENTIS PARTIBUS]. For each call, sing the tune twice.


Hail to the GUARDIANS, Mighty Rulers of AIR,
Winging in from the NORTH, your gifts to share.
Gentle SPRING breezes, stirring life ‘round us all,
Move now among us, as to you we call.
In time of equal day and night,
Bring to us WISDOM, and grant to us SIGHT.
Welcome, SPIRITS of AIR, bless us this morn.
As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.


Hail to the GUARDIANS, Mighty Rulers of EARTH,

Rolling in from the EAST, your gifts to share.

From fertile ground, SPRING’S new life we call,

Move now among us, as to you we call.

In time of equal day and night,

Bring to us STRENGTH, in SPRING’S lengthening light.

Welcome, SPIRITS of EARTH, bless us this morn.

As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.


Hail to the GUARDIANS, Mighty Rulers of FIRE,

Burning in from the SOUTH, your gifts to share.

Strengthening sun, bringing SPRING’S light to all,

Move now among us, as to you we call.

In time of equal day and night,

Bring to us PASSION, and FERVENT might.

Welcome, SPIRITS of FIRE, bless us this morn.

As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.


Hail to the GUARDIANS, Mighty Rulers of WATER,

Surging in from the WEST, your gifts to share.

Gentle SPRING rains, mighty storms, great and small,

Move now among us, as to you we call.

In time of equal day and night,

Bring to us HEALING, and COMPASSION’S light.

Welcome, SPIRITS of WATER, bless us this morn.

As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.


Hail to the GREEN MAN, Lord of the Green Wood!

Of wild and free creatures, the shepherd good.

Your presence in newborn creatures all,

Move now among us as to you we call.

In time of equal day and night,

Bring us your joy, help us dance in the light.

Welcome , WILD GOD, bless us this morn,

As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.


Hail JOYOUS MAIDEN, Lady most fair!

Returned to Earth, new life to bear.

We see you in the greening earth,

Life bursting forth in SPRING’S new birth.

In time of equal day and night,

Give us new life, help us dance in the light.

Welcome , OUR MOTHER, bless us this morn,

As we CELEBRATE the SPRING, newly born.

End singing.

LEADER 1     May the powers of the Ancient One,

LEADER 2     the Spirit of Life

LEADER 1     Source of all creation,

LEADER 2     May the powers of the Goddess, bright lady of the moon,

LEADER 1     And the God, horned hunter of the sun,

LEADER 2     May the powers of the guardian spirits,

LEADER 1     Rulers of the elemental realms,

BOTH             May the powers of the stars above and the Earth below, Bless this time, this place, and all who gather here.

Release [can be sung to the same tune as the calls]

Wild God, Green Man, Lord of the Wood,

Thanks be to thee, our shepherd good.

With your wild joy, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Joyous Spring Maiden, our Lady fair.

Thanks be to thee, your gifts we bear.

With your new life, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Mighty Guardians of WEST, O Rulers of WATER,

Thanks be to thee, for your presence we offer.

With your compassion, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Mighty Guardians of SOUTH, O Rulers of FIRE,

Thanks be to thee, as Sun rises higher.

With your fervent ardor, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Mighty Guardians of EAST, O Rulers of EARTH,

Thanks be to thee, your life brings us mirth.

With your great strength, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!

Mighty Guardians of NORTH, O Rulers of AIR,

Thanks be to thee, inspiration so fair.

With your great vision, graced are we.

Hail and Farewell, and Blessed Be!