Sunrise over water with a heron on the shore

Tag: Practice

  • A Druid’s Invitatory The First Prayer of the Day

    A Druid’s Invitatory

    The First Prayer of the Day

    A set of prayers I use at the beginning of my morning devotions.

  • Celebrating God’s Fool, St. Francis of Assisi

    Celebrating God’s Fool, St. Francis of Assisi

    Daily Prayer for the Memorial of St. Francis of Assisi, celebrated on October 4,

  • Druid in the Hills Daily Prayer

    Druid in the Hills Daily Prayer

    This prayer is an adaptation of Christian Liturgy of the Hours, or Daily Office, incorporating Druid and Christian elements, that can be used any time of the day.

  • An Element-ary Way to Start the Day

    An Element-ary Way to Start the Day

    Find a quiet place and take a few moments to center yourself. I find music helpful in this. You might try playing something like Song of Awen by […]

  • Why Druidry?

    Why Druidry?

    Lorem ipsum dolor amet rowan bard be trees Celtic. Back Alban Hefin poetry pagan than is the his while teacher, about under were. Bealtaine eisteddfod Celtic should, if […]

  • Creativity as Spiritual Practice

    Creativity as Spiritual Practice

    What comes to mind when you think of spiritual practice? Prayer? Meditation? Spiritual reading? Journaling? I’ve always approached spiritual practice in these terms and, while I have grown […]